3 Ways Your Dog Can Cheer You Up

3572505761_f527c05d8c_bHaving a furry friend is one of life’s greatest joys. They add humor, endless entertainment, and company -- and even when they get themselves in trouble, they’re still so darn cute. But did you also know your dog is also the best at cheering you up? Here are 3 ways they can lift you out of a funk…

  1. They increase oxytocin, the “love hormone” released in our brains during moments of bonding and affection (include link to previous article on Pampered Pets: http://pamperedpetsinc.com/do-pets-love/). Not only do we experience the feel-good boost, our furry canines have been proven to experience it as well. The next time you’re feeing down, cuddle up with your four-legged companion. If that’s not love, we don’t know what is!
  1. They improve your social life. A recent study at Tufts University found that individuals who felt attachment to their pets also reported feeling “more connected to their communities and relationships.” Next time you’re feeling lonely, make a lunch date with a friend, then thank Fido.
  1. They’re good listeners. Well, not all of them, but hear us out: studies have shown that talking to oneself can “speed up cognitive abilities in relation to problem solving and task performance.” So we’re going to put our spin on this: if you don’t already, talk to your pet. Especially on a day you’re feeling blue. Think of it as free therapy – plus, your therapist is cute!

How does your pet cheer you up when you’re feeling down? We’d love to hear in the comment section below!


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