6 Ways We Are Grateful for Our Pets

puppyWe usually use the blog as a way to answer your questions and share all sorts of tidbits and fun facts about the furry creatures in our lives. Today, though, we wanted to do something a little different and raise our glass to our pets – big and small, old and young, they bring us so much joy every year, and it’s worth celebrating! Here are 6 ways we are grateful for our pets this holiday season…

  1. They remind us to take care of ourselves. Even on the days when the last thing we want to do is go for a walk, they remind us of the importance of getting fresh air and stretching our legs.
  1. They offer hours of endless entertainment – and we mean hours! Over the years of working with cats and dogs in New York and New Jersey, we are always amazed at just how entertaining these little creatures can be. There is never a boring day!
  1. They are A+ snugglers, and after a long day, a snuggle on the couch is exactly what the doctor orders (dare we say, snuggles with our pets are #1 in our book!?)
  1. They keep us curious, and help us see the world through their eyes. It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day grind of human life, but our pets remind us to stay curious and be present, whether it’s watching our cat laser-focus on a pigeon outside the window, or stopping to see the squirrels play during a dog walk.
  1. They teach us valuable lessons about ourselves. Owning a pet can be challenging, but it can also be a wonderful learning experience. Since our pets so often look to us for cues on how to behave, we are reminded to be aware of our own behavior. They keep us on our toes!
  1. Lastly, they are the world’s best foot warmers!

Happy Holidays from the Pampered Pets team, to all the animal-lovers out there!


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