Attention Dog Owners! Nationwide Rawhide Recall

adorable-1867147_960_720This is not our typical topic of choice on the blog, but when we heard about a nation-wide recall on rawhide bones and chew products distributed around the country, we thought we should let you all know!United Pet Group, which is based out of Illinois, initiated the recall when it learned that several manufacturing facilities in parts of South America were using an ammonium compound mixture on their chew products. The chemical is not approved in the U.S. and may cause “reduced appetite, and gastric irritation including diarrhea and vomiting” in dogs.Since the announcement was made, there have been several reports of dogs with such symptoms, and owners noticing an unpleasant smell on the rawhide. You can see the official recall, as well as which products were affected, by clicking here.Keep your pets safe, everyone!


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