Can Cats be Service Animals?
A simple googling of the question will present you with thefollowing answer: “Unfortunately not.” As of right now, the Americans withDisability Act does not recognize cats as service animals, and only certifiesdogs. But! Cats are able to be registered as both Emotional SupportAnimals and Therapy Animals. Read on to learn about the difference...
Service Animals are canines that are trained to help someone witha disability, whether it’s physical, sensory or mental duties. They can betrained to provide assistance during seizures, help a visually impaired personsafely cross the street, and retrieve medicine, among other tasks. An EmotionalSupport Animal (ESA), on the other hand, is an animal certified by an owner’smental health provider in the form of a letter that qualifies the pet (usuallya dog or cat -- but could even be a horse or ferret!) as an emotionalcompanion. An Emotional Support Animal does not receive specific training forthe certification, but rather is recognized by the therapist as a support forsomeone with an emotional disability.
In addition, cats can also become Therapy Animals that frequenthospitals, nursing homes and even prisons to provide a dose of cuddly comfort(and oxytocin!) to anyone in need. These cats are trained through organizationssuch as The Pet Partners Story to walk on a leash, feel comfortable with carrides/transportation and most importantly, enjoy spending time on the laps ofstrangers. An ideal cat candidate is one with a friendly and calm disposition,over the age of 1. Therapy Animals have become increasingly accepted inhospitals and institutions across the country as mounting evidence grows aroundthe wonderful benefits a warm furry animal can have on just about anyone.
In more recent years, there has been a big push for the public toacknowledge that cats can take on certain tasks and be just as much a supportas their furry counterparts. We’re here for that push, and as always, feel thatthe furry members of the family should always be recognized for theirremarkable ability to make us feel better, whether it’s in certification formor not!
Click here to learn more about Emotional Support Animals.
Click here to learn more about Therapy Animals.