Here's Why You Should be Grooming Your Pet This Summer

adidas-cat-cat-face-434004Summer is halfway over, but there’s still the hottest month ahead. Whether you have a cat or a dog, here’s why you should consider getting your four-legged friend groomed while summer is still in full swing…To begin, groomed pets are healthier, happier, and easier to live with. Shedding stays at a minimum, long-haired dogs and cats are free of burrs or knots, and grooming distributes natural oils to make pets’ coats glossy and healthy.At Pampered Pets, we come to your home, making the process significantly less stressful for your furry pal. It is our priority that your pet stays comfortable and at ease throughout the session, and our certified groomers use only the finest products to clean sensitive areas like inside ears and around eyes. In addition, we have cat-only groomers who are experts at understanding cat behavior, and our dedicated groomers have experience with all ages, breeds, and temperaments.A few other reasons why grooming in summer is a must? It reduces allergens for pets that spend time outside and collect pollen and dust on their fur, and nail clipping is always included, which can often be a cause of stress for owners. Plus, a thorough brushing and washing ensures the removal of any dead skin and winter coat left behind, allowing the air to circulate properly down to their skin, keeping them cool. For pets that spend more time outdoors, groomers frequently find ticks and stay alert for other skin issues or irritations.It won’t take long for your pet to feel comfortable and pampered in our hands – many of our furry clients even grow to love grooming and greet us at the door with wagging tails and happy meows. We look forward to pampering your pets! 


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