How to Prevent Your Puppy From Destroying Your Favorite Shoes

So you have a puppy, adorable even when it misbehaves. But even when they are at their most clueless, it can be hard to feel patient when you come home to find that they have treated your favorite shoes like their favorite chew toy. Below, we’ve rounded up our top tried and true tips for dog owners that have a teething furry baby on their hands…

  • Puppies are like toddlers. The Humane Society says it best: “Puppies, like infants and toddlers, explore their world by putting objects in their mouths.” When your puppy starts teething, they’re experiencing the growth of 42 permanent teeth. During this roughly 6 month period, chewing facilitates growth and eases some of the gum discomfort. 
  • Talk to your vet about which chew toys are the safest option for your four-legged member of the family. They may recommend a softer yet durable toy like a Kong. 
  • Set your puppy up for success by keeping your prized possession items out of your dog’s reach. This includes objects you may not think would entice your puppy -- like sunglasses and books. 
  • Consider setting up an area of your home that is puppy-proof, with fresh water and safe toys.
  • Give your puppy plenty of opportunities to play and exercise! A young dog with lots of energy will be looking for ways to expend it. If possible, find a dog walker that will take your furry pal for an engaging and brisk walk. Click here for Pampered Pets walking services.
  • Redirect unwanted chewing behavior. Puppies have a hard time knowing what they can and cannot chew (remember -- they’re like babies!). If your puppy is chewing on a household item, try interrupting the behavior with a loud noise, taking the item away and quickly replacing it with a chew toy. Then praise, praise, praise!
  • Don’t chase after your puppy. If they aren’t letting go of something, don’t make it a fun game. Instead, try distracting your puppy with treats or a squeaky sound, then swifty take away the object.
  • Remember it’s just a phase. This one might be the hardest, but keep in mind -- at the end of the day, our four-legged friends want to please us. You may not be able to prevent your puppy from making a few mistakes, but eventually, they’ll grow up, they’ll learn, and you’ll look back on these tiring puppy years with fondness. 

Anything you’d add? Congratulations to any new dog parents!


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