Rescue vs. Breeder: What to Know

So you’ve decided to get puppy. A big congratulations! We, personally, are big fans of all canines, and think you will quickly come to understand our obsession with these lovable furry friends. “Shopping” around for one can be an exciting time, but it can also quickly become overwhelming. To start, you’ll want to consider where to get your pup. To make the process a little easier, we’ve highlighted the pros and cons of getting your four-legged pal from a breeder vs. a rescue organization. See our thoughts, below…Buying a dog from a breeder: Getting a puppy from a breeder generally means you have selected a specific breed beforehand. One big advantage to getting a puppy from a breeder is the opportunity to meet its littermates and parents. You can then get a feel for the parent’s temperaments, and see firsthand how the puppies interact and play with one another. One thing to keep in mind: depending on the breed you’ve settled on, you can, for the most part, predict the needs of your new pup. A purebred English Springer Spaniel, for example, will want lots of time outside chasing and hunting. A Border Collie will most likely be itching to herd groups of people or dogs. A mastiff will spend lots of time snoozing on the couch. Educating yourself about various breeds is a great place to start.If you are set on buying through a breeder, don’t be afraid to meet with lots of questions! Mindful breeders will be happy to answer any and all that you may have. Don’t be surprised if they, in turn, ask you extensive questions about your past experience with the breed and dogs in general. Good breeders will want to know!Getting a dog from a rescue organization or shelter: Adopting a dog from a pound or shelter has become more and more popular as the movement gains popularity in the states. Even so, there are over 6 million dogs euthanized in the United States annually, and if you are considering a rescue, rest assured that you will find a sweet pup that wants nothing more than your love.A common misconception with rescue dogs is that you’re bringing home ‘damaged goods.’ Although it’s true that rescues along with all dogs generally need some time to adapt and grow comfortable in your home, it would be unfair to expect any dog to adapt seamlessly to our lives and schedules. As it is just as likely to buy a puppy from a breeder that ends up with unexpected issues, so it is just as possible to adopt a healthy, happy, and stable dog or puppy from a shelter.If you’ve decided on rescuing, don’t be afraid to ask lots of questions – the volunteers will have spent time helping the dogs acclimate to their new surroundings and should have a good sense of their personalities and quirks. Seek out any information they may have about the dog’s past.We wish you the best of luck during this exciting time. With most things, there are pros and cons to both, and ultimately, it is your own decision to make. Take your time deciding, and in the meantime, please don’t hesitate to write in with any questions!


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