Your Job Could Cover Pet Insurance

friends-1149841_960_720Paid vacation time, gym memberships, car washes, and on-site child care are all trending work perks that keep employees happy. The latest to join the list? Pet insurance. With the industry growth nearing 15 percent in the last few years, companies like Microsoft and Yahoo are adding pet insurance to their employee’s extensive benefit plans.It’s a smart move, says Dr. Tracy Jensen, former president of the American Animal Hospital Association, in a recent New York Times article. Pets are part of the family, and more people are going the extra mile to make sure their four-legged family members are protected and covered when it comes to their health and wellness. While pet insurance has its caveats (it can be as complicated and convoluted as human health insurance), it comes as a welcome addition when offered as a work perk – especially knowing our furry friends are never far away from the best possible care.Curious to read more about pet insurance? We covered the nitty-gritty here: Do or Don't: Pet Insurance


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