Dogs Don't Just Love us; They Want Us to Succeed

This just in: dogs really do haveour best interests at heart. The evidence? A fascinating study conducted inJapan, in which researchers created social scenarios with dogs and theirowners, plus two strangers who was instructed to behave either helpfully,neutrally, or disagreeably. Here’s what happened…

With their pack mentality, we knowcanines are attuned to social scenarios, especially involving their owners. Asa member of a group (whether human or canine), it’s their job to pay attentionto the social dynamics at play. This is why, for example, if a scuffle breaksout in a dog park, the other dogs will quickly rush over to see the commotion.

But just how nuanced is theirability to read the room? According to the University of Kyoto, dogs are“extremely sensitive to social signals from humans” and are quickly gatheringinformation on who they can and cannot trust. In the study, 54 dogs weredivided into 3 groups, with the same scenario and slightly different outcomes.In each test, the dog owner was instructed to struggle with the lid to a clearjar. A bystander/stranger was then instructed to either assist and successfullyopen the lid, or refuse help and abruptly walk out. Meanwhile, another bystanderwas instructed to stand nearby, acting neutrally and disengaging by lookingdown at the ground. After the test was completed, both bystanders wereinstructed to reach into their pockets and simultaneously offer a treat for thedog. Across the board, the dogs showed significant negative bias against the“non-helpers” in the various situations. This is especially remarkableconsidering the jar had little to no importance or value to the dog, they weresimply looking out for the humans.

Andthere it is! What do you think? Are you surprised by this study or not at all?Please feel free to discuss in the comment section below.


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