Should I let my Dog Drink From a Puddle?

This spring has been especially rainy in New York and New Jersey,with heavy rain showers resulting in large puddles in the park that areespecially tempting for thirsty pups after a long walk. Unsurprisingly, whenrainy season comes around, vet offices are getting the same phone call all thetime: “My dog just drank from a puddle. Should I be worried?” Here’s what youneed to know…

The long and short of it? It isn’t ideal, but in all likelihood,there won’t be serious harm. Even so, there are risks, and owners should stayvigilant during a rainy walk. The issue with rain water, even freshly fallen,is that it quickly becomes contaminated with animal droppings, environmental factors,litter -- and in parking lots, antifreeze, which is toxic and can cause acutekidney failure. In terms of bacteria, dogs can contract Leptospirosis, which isspread through urine from wild animals such as deer and rodents. Studies haveshown that the more rain has fallen, the more likely the bacteria is present inbodies of water -- including puddles. Giardia is a protozoan that is contractedthrough fecal matter in other dogs and animals, and it is also found in puddlesand other areas frequented by furry creatures such as popular trail hikes, dog parks,and streams. The most common symptom in dogs is diarrhea. Luckily, it’streatable, and veterinarians will often include the Giardia test if yourfour-legged pal frequents such areas.

So what can owners do? Increasing your awareness is a big part it- so you’re halfway there! In addition, it’s important to speak to yourveterinarian about which vaccinations are appropriate for your dog’s lifestyle.Of course, the most surefire way to prevent your dog from drinking puddles isto keep him sufficiently hydrated with fresh clean water during long walks. Andour tried and true advice remains: if anything doesn’t seem right, get your dogto the vet right away.


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